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Originally from the village of Tramin, the current Termeno, or perhaps from Alsace, it spreads in Trentino-Alto Adige and currently, to a limited extent, in Friuli, in the Oltrepò Pavese and in Veneto.

Ampelographic Characteristics

  • posture: erect;
  • sprout apex: expanded, downy, whitish-green with carmine edge;
  • leaf: small, pentagonal, three-lobed, closing V-shaped petiole sinus; flap folded like a gutter with the edge facing downwards; upper page glabrous, dark green, opaque, bullous; Underside arachnoid, grey-green;
  • bunch: small, compact, sometimes winged with 1-2 wings, about 10 cm long, truncated cone;
  • grape: medium, spherical, slightly elongated, regular; pruinose, somewhat thick, firm, amber-pink colored skin; colorless juice; of special aromatic taste.

Phenological and production characteristics

It has a moderate vigor; prefers rather long pruning. Moderate, but regular production. It suffers from water shortages, resists well to cryptogamic diseases and moths; very good resistance to winter cold.