Piave DOC


Area / Characteristics

The Appellation Piave DOC was created with the publication of the regulations of production (disciplinare) in September 1971. The territory is enclosed in the plain that extends from the north-eastern borders of the province of Treviso with Friuli up to the mouth of the Piave river, and from the hills of Conegliano and Montello to the first hinterland of the city of Venice. This area is characterized by a temperate climate, with hot summers and never too cold winters. The fresh air currents coming from the North-East guarantee thermal excursions, important to increase the aromatic component of the wines produced in the Piave DOC area.

The knowledge of the producers, combined with the zoning studies started in 2007, have made it possible to combine the most suitable vines with each pedoclimatic and geological environment of the area belonging to the Appellation Piave DOC. It is thanks to life experiences and wine culture that international and native vines such as Raboso del Piave, Manzoni Bianco and Verduzzo successfully manage to express the soul of the territory.

The history

The Appellation takes its name from the Piave river which crosses the territory and which, sacred to the homeland, has marked the stages of history. The entire area was affected by the cultivation of vines already in pre-Roman times. The Habsburg domination marked an important stage for viticulture in this area, thanks to the development of a modern activity of study and experimentation. During World War One, wine assumed a fundamental value in the caloric sustenance of many soldiers engaged on the Piave front. The renewal of the plants in the period between the two wars allowed the development of modern viticulture.

The soil

Its soils contain many mineral elements such as phosphorus and magnesium and are characterized by a high percentage of skeletal grains, which guarantees an explorable depth from the roots, typical of the area.

A curiosity

Bellussera is the vine growing system created in the 19th century in Tezze di Piave, in the province of Treviso, when sharecropping was widespread in the Veneto region. Often cultivated together with mulberry trees, the vine grew luxuriantly and created a real artwork, climbing between one row and another. Bellussera allowed farmers to sow other types of crops under the vine, such as hay for cows and grass for rabbits. The vineyards cultivated in this way, with the vines planted four meter high, also prevented the humidity of the lands of the Piave river, avoiding thus the conditions of the development of downy mildew. Today the bellussera is the heritage of the Consorzio Vini Venezia, which protects the remaining specimens and which promotes the knowledge of this unique Venetian vine cultivating method.

Wines Produced

Red Wines

Cabernet Doc Piave

Carmenère Doc Piave

Merlot Doc Piave

Raboso Doc Piave

Rosso Doc Piave

White Wines

Chardonnay Doc Piave

Mazoni Doc Piave

Tai Doc Piave

Verduzzo Doc Piave

Raisin Wines

Raboso Passito Doc Piave

Verduzzo Passito Doc Piave